
Welcome to INFINITI HR’s Media Center

At INFINITI HR, we understand the importance of effective communication and transparency in the HR outsourcing industry. Our media center is designed to provide you with the latest news, insights, thought leadership, and resources related to our HR and benefits services, industry trends, and company initiatives.

Drive Small Business Results with Six Simple Gratitude Practices

As a small business leader, you are focused on productivity,…

December Legal Updates

INFINITI HR is happy to provide Monthly State Labor Law Updates…

Why It’s Time to Redraw Your Leadership Boundaries

Today’s business best practices focus on leaders helping employees…

Hardwiring a Winning Small Business Culture

A winning team is an energized team. Celebrate the wins to increase…

Strategies to Engage Remote Employees During the Holidays

Remote and hybrid employees enjoy the perks of working from home.…

Top HR Small Business Needs Checklist

Is your small business on top of its HR needs? Not to worry.…

Small Business Leaders: It’s Harvest Time

You’ve invested in yourself, others, and your company. You’ve…

INFINITI HR Ranks #32 in the Washington Business Journal’s Largest Private Companies List in Greater D.C. for 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Every year Washington Business Journal ranks…

October Legal Updates

INFINITI HR is happy to provide Monthly State Labor Law Updates…

What is Quiet Quitting and What to Do About it

Never mind the Great Resignation. Is “Quiet Quitting” the…

September Labor Law Updates

INFINITI HR is happy to provide Monthly State Labor Law Updates…

Struggling with Employee Recognition? Try Reimagining Appreciation Instead.

Employee appreciation isn’t about pizza parties in the break…

Why the Best Small Business Employee Handbooks Are Never Done

When was the last time you updated your employee handbook? If…

Need to Have a Tough Employee Conversation? Just Say It.

We work with small businesses across the country. Despite different…

Your Playbook for Tough Employee Conversations

We often put off tough conversations because we don’t know…