Author Archive for: Julie Morgan

Entries by Julie Morgan

Effective HR is More Than Enforcing Policies

WHY DO EMPLOYEES VIEW THE HR DEPARTMENT AS THE “POLICY POLICE?” In the world of company policies and procedures, the HR department is tasked with researching and interpreting federal and state labor laws to determine how these laws will affect the company.  The HR department also assists in defining internal policies and procedures regarding attendance, […]

Responsible Alcohol Use Policies at Work

“CAN I GET YOU A DRINK BEFORE WE GET STARTED?” Do you remember watching television shows from the 1960’s and 1970’s where business professionals were regularly seen taking a shot of vodka or slowly sipping on a glass of scotch as they prepared for a very important meeting? Back in the day, many employers permitted […]

The Value of Pre Employment Drug Testing

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Adversely Effects the Workplace Approximately 30 million people in the United States suffer from an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol and approximately seventy-five percent (75%) of these addicts are currently employed throughout the United States. There is no denying the detrimental effects drugs and alcohol have on an individual, both mentally […]