Author Archive for: Lisa Porro

Entries by Lisa Porro

Trends in Marijuana and Employment

Employers, Take Note: More states have passed laws related to the purchase, possession, and use of marijuana and its impact on hiring and employment than not. Meaning most employers in the U.S. may have obligations for policies and practices that address this issue appropriately in their respective states. Legislative Highlights in 2019 Most recently, Nevada and New York […]

Another Update to the Definition of “Joint Employment”

A food franchise’s employees are confused. While they understand their location has its own owners, they were interviewed at least once by the corporate office during the hiring process and the handbook they were given appears to be from corporate as well. While most of the content seems to apply, it also contains operational and […]

Inclusiveness in Hiring and Interviewing

How Important is a Sense of Belonging to a Candidate Looking for His or Her Next Position? Work is work, right?  It’s not necessary in the adult world, is it, to feel like you “fit in?” But if we’re thinking realistically, no one enjoys feeling left out, and beyond the obvious visible diversity considerations, there […]

Exit, Stage Left: Why Are Good Employees Leaving?

Joe, six months into his employment, is already contemplating moving on. A co-worker, Kari, notices that he seems to have checked out a bit and invites him to a coffee break to ask about it.  She likes working with Joe, thinks he adds a fresh new perspective to the department, and hopes he stays. Kari: […]

Keeping High Performers Motivated and Working for You

Madeline has been a stellar employee from day one. She’s extremely productive, professional, and a joy to work with.  After her last – and only – promotion two years ago, she’s received competitive bonuses and consistent raises which has now placed her near the top of her pay scale.  You’re not sure what to do […]

Seven Ways to Minimize Employee Termination Risks

Ideally, every employee termination – voluntary and involuntary – would go smoothly. Employees would hopefully either give notice and exit gracefully or, in the case of an involuntary termination, a handshake and a “best wishes in your future endeavors” conversation would take place before the handing over of office keys and a name badge. Of […]

The Joy of Holidays and Employment

The concept of “holidays” conjures different associations for people… gatherings of family and friends, abundant food and BBQs, travel or a day to simply sleep in and find something “fun” to do. For employers, it can be a confusing myriad of questions on what their obligations are to their employees on holidays: Do we have […]

Right to Work is Not Employment at Will

Know the Difference. “Right to work” and “employment-at-will.”  Both are employment terms that may appear in offer letters and employee handbooks and are tossed around frequently in legal circles. What do the terms mean and are they interchangeable? They are in fact very different. Right to work laws are related to unions.  In a right […]

Employee Travel – Do I Pay For That?

When business as usual involves reporting to the same location every day, employee travel isn’t a subject that may come up very often.  When it does, whether it is a short trip a mile away or overnight travel, it raises questions. What exactly is an employer required to pay for? What about travel time for […]

Pre-Employment Show vs. Tell

Don’t tell them… show them:  Job Previews and other Assessment Options Ever walk through an office space on the way to an interview and see the glistening hallways, large modern bouquets on the reception desk and hushed, state-of-the-art conference rooms? Someone brings in croissants and fruit on glass platters, asks if you want a cappuccino.  The interviewers are in dark […]