Managing 101

Recent surveys indicate that 70% of employees say the worst thing about their job is their boss. That means 70% of employees are far less productive than they could be, which directly affects a company’s P&L.

How are you filling open management positions? Do your job descriptions define what you are looking for? The section marked “Knowledge, Skills and Abilities” should include “proven ability to lead and motivate others” and “skilled at change management, while fostering a positive work culture”.

What should you expect from a “good manager”? They should, at a minimum, be viewed as a reasonable person, who can be trusted to: 1) limit liability (do they understand employment law basics?), 2) handle issues fairly and consistently, 3) counsel poor performers privately, 4) offer praise publicly and 5) lead by example. Ultimately, how effective a manager is depends on their commitment, training and how well they are managed. It all rolls down from top leadership.

  1. Are your managers making these common workforce management mistakes?
  2. Hiring without a job description
  3. Asking inappropriate, potentially discriminatory interview questions
  4. Hiring the “wrong” employees, resulting in high turnover costs
  5. Allowing new employees to “sink”
  6. Failing to pay overtime to those who are eligible (non-exempt)
  7. Taking unauthorized payroll deductions
  8. Failing to document policy violations and poor job performance
  9. Auto-deducting for meals
  10. Missing 90 day and annual performance review dates
  11. Holding final paychecks until property is returned

If the answer is yes to any of the above, you may want to consider some basic employment law and best practice training. The return on investment is a minimized risk of violations/fines and a more productive workforce!

What type of leader and manager are you or do you hope to be? Do you think they are lucky to have a job, or are you lucky to have them? Positive leadership directly affects your businesses ability to get a return on investment from your employees.

Recruit the best, motivate the new, coach the existing and INSPIRE productivity from top to bottom.

Click the link to view our recent blog: Think Before You Speak, Words Can Hurt or check back for more on human resources, payroll, insurance and benefits.

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